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Top 3 Most Common Computer Problems and How to Solve Them

Top 3 Most Common Computer Problems and How to Solve Them

In an increasingly digital world, computers have become our loyal companions. They serve as our workstations, entertainment hubs, and portals to the infinite realms of the internet. As such, even a slight hiccup in their operation can disrupt our day-to-day life. Among the wide array of potential issues, three computer problems seem to reign supreme in terms of frequency: slow performance, frequent crashing or freezing, and internet connectivity issues.

Understanding and resolving these common problems can spare you frustration and help ensure that your trusty digital companion operates at its best. Here are these three issues explained, along with their potential solutions.

1. Slow Performance

Often, computer users find their systems lagging, which could stem from a variety of issues including limited hard drive space, insufficient RAM, or the infiltration of viruses or malware.


  1. Free up hard drive space: Uninstall unused programs and delete redundant files.
  2. Use disk cleanup tools: These are available in both Windows and macOS and can assist in clearing up hard drive space.
  3. Consider upgrading your RAM: If your computer is still slow after freeing up hard drive space.
  4. If you are suspicious that there might be a virus or malware in your system download an antivirus software and so a scan they can clean up any known "Bad" programs and hopefully resolve the issue before it does ant real damage. after you are no longer suspicious you should uninstall the program as they can often hurt your systems performance, windows has its own antivirus called Defender that should help prevent this in most cases.

Check this out: Here are 5 Disk Clean Up Tools for Windows and Mac OS

2. Frequent Crashing or Freezing

If your computer often freezes or crashes, potential culprits include software conflicts, overheating, or even hardware failure.


  1. Update your software: Keep your software up-to-date as updates often contain vital bug fixes.
  2. Check your computer's cooling system: Clean out any dust and check the functionality of the fans to prevent overheating.
  3. Consult a professional: If the problem persists after the above steps, a hardware issue may be at hand.

3. Internet Connectivity Issues

Reliable internet connectivity is crucial in our digitally-driven lives. Any disruptions can cause significant problems and may result from issues with your service provider, router/modem, or the computer itself.


  1. Check your internet service provider: Start by checking if the problem lies with your internet service provider.
  2. Reset your modem and router: This can often resolve connection issues.
  3. Reset your computer's network settings: If connectivity issues persist after resetting your modem and router.
  4. Consult a professional: If the above steps do not resolve the issue, you might be dealing with a faulty network adapter, which calls for professional help.

While the above solutions can handle many common problems, there are instances when professional expertise is required. If you can't seem to shake a persistent issue, it's time to consult the professionals.

At It's Fix'd, our team of experts is always ready to help diagnose and fix your computer woes. Reach us at 401-753-4263, book an appointment, or tell us what's wrong. We take pride in making sure your digital companions are at their best, ensuring you can navigate the digital world with confidence and ease.

Please bear in mind that this is a basic guide, and some solutions may not be suitable for all users or all types of computers. Always back up crucial data before attempting any fix, and when in doubt, do not hesitate to reach out to professionals.

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